
We’re glad you’re here.

You’re probably here because you are worried about your child. He doesn’t seem to be able to control his emotions. He doesn’t seem to understand what people say to him. He has difficulty answering questions. Or is withdrawn. Or lacks motivation. Or doesn’t eat. Or doesn’t speak.

You’re frustrated. You’re overwhelmed. You don’t know what to do or who to turn to. Nobody seems to be able to help. Not your pediatrician. Not your child’s school. No one.

And you’re scared your child will have no future. You worry he won’t learn to read or do math well and won’t become a successful, gainfully employed adult. You worry he’ll have to live with you for the rest of his life. That he’ll never have friends. That he won’t be able to get married or have children.

You need a miracle.

We know you’re hurting. We know you blame yourself. And we know that you would do just about anything to help your child become more “normal”.

If you’ve been blaming yourself – just stop it! You’ve done nothing to cause this. Your child’s problems may have a physical (not an emotional) origin such as persistent ear infections or a gastrointestinal problem. His brain may be processing language and sounds as though they are miles away. And would make anyone frustrated, angry, withdrawn, or just miserable.

But there is good news!

Speech and language therapy can help children like yours actually get better. We experience it every day in our practice. So, take a breath because help is here.

You may have found the miracle you’ve been praying for.