Cognitive Communication Evaluation and Therapy

Is it difficult for your child, to remember things or solve problems? Does he or she misunderstand the verbal and non-verbal cues that come from other people? Does the frustration caused by not being able to easily communicate cause stress, depression or anxiety?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, then you are likely dealing with a cognitive-communication disorder. And you’re not alone.

One in every ten Americans has or will live with some type of communication disorder. The condition doesn’t discriminate based on age, race, or gender. disorder. []

What Are Cognitive-Communication Disorders?

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) defines cognitive-communication disorders as difficulty with any aspect of communication that is affected by the disruption of cognition.


Simply put, cognition is thinking. It’s crucial for problem-solving, judgment, language, perception, and remembering.

People who have a cognitive-communication disorder often struggle to pay attention during conversations, stay on topic, remember important information, follow directions, or understand jokes.

Cognitive communication is essential for getting along in the world.

Many symptoms associated with mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, actually have their roots in a cognitive-communication disorder. It’s not hard to understand why those who struggle to process the world around them could be in despair. And when it’s your child who is struggling, we know you’re in despair too.

What causes cognitive-communication disorders?

Cognitive communication disorders can be caused by any number of things including:

  • Premature birth
  • Down Syndrome or other neurogenic differences
  • Delayed development from unknown reasons
  • Abnormal brain development
  • Exposure to toxins during pregnancy
  • A traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Any number of other neurological conditions

Just remember it’s not your fault.

Services Available To You At CTS Dallas

We will create a therapy plan that will stimulate and develop cognitive-communication skills through modalities that are proven by science and our own experience. If we can pinpoint the cause it will help, but that is not our number one purpose. Our number one purpose is to help your child:

  • Get better at problem-solving.
  • Acquire the ability to mentally plan (called executive functioning).
  • Become self-aware of how his or her actions match up with plans.
  • Develop the capability to evaluate and self-correct at the moment.

Find your miracle with CTS Dallas

We are on the cutting edge of speech and language therapy and have been for decades. Our founder, Jane Shook, is well-known for her innovative and highly effective approach to treating cognitive challenges.

Jane has developed cross-disciplinary treatments that combine the best approaches from speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Her strategies also include elements of psychology, social work, art therapy, biomedical treatment, functional neurology, and developmental optometry.
At CTS Dallas we adhere to Jane’s credo that a wise teacher makes learning fun. Our therapists are among the most competent, compassionate, and dedicated in the country.

Let’s Find A Miracle Together