We use a unique approach to address feeding and swallowing issues at The Center for Therapeutic Strategies. We collaborate with occupational therapists, physicians, dentists, and functional neurologists as needed to provide a foundation for addressing the underlying issues of the individual’s feeding and/or swallowing problem.
Feeding therapy results from the individual having a limited diet due to difficulty staying focused on the task of eating, chewing appropriately, moving food around from side to side or back to front in the mouth, swallowing the food, or having aversions to particular smells, textures, or tastes of food items.
Our unique approach involves addressing the underlying issues:
Swallowing/ Myofunctional therapy is used to address the “reverse” swallow condition, which can cause an improper dental bite. If this is left untreated it can impede the effectiveness of lasting orthodontia intervention. This condition is often discovered by the individual’s dentist or orthodontist.
Therapy at Center for Therapeutic Strategies for myofunctional (reverse swallow) therapy is addressed with: